Dr Tobias Dornheim is the winner of the prestigious Lem Prize 2024, awarded for groundbreaking achievements in science and engineering. The prize honours his work entitled. ‘Model-free diagnostics of extreme states of matter in the imaginary time’ on the development of computational methods applied to condensed matter physics, which are crucial for the future of technology.
The Lem Prize, established in honour of Stanislaw Lem by the Wrocław University of Technology, is an award for young scientists under the age of 40 whose work contributes to shaping the future in an increasingly technological reality. The award of PLN 100,000 confirms the high value of discoveries in the fields of broadly defined science and engineering.
This initiative, supported by partners such as the PCC Group, shows how business and science can work together to create new perspectives for scientific development. We would like to congratulate Dr. Dornheim along with the other funders of the award: Bergman Engineering, PKO Bank Polski, PKO Bank Polski Foundation, KGHM Polska Miedź, Impel Group.