Safety is one of the top priorities of our business. Qualified staff, applied technologies and solutions minimize the risk of a hazard, and constant monitoring of the plant site, production processes, technical condition of installations and devices ensures the greatest possible safety for employees and local residents.

Health and Safety
All employees and contractors working on the premises of PCC Rokita SA are subject to training in the field of occupational health and safety. The trainings ensure familiarization with the provisions and rules of occupational health and safety in force at the PCC Rokita SA plant.

Process and fire safety
At PCC Rokita SA, hazardous chemicals are used and produced, including chlorine, oxygen, propylene, ethylene and propylene oxides and hydrogen. These substances may be hazardous to health and fire.

Most of the products used and manufactured are dangerous goods due to the risks they pose to health, safety, property or the environment.
Safety first
PCC Rokita has been participating in a campaign to improve the level of work safety for many years. One of the elements of the campaign are information boards “PERSONAL PROTECTION APPLICATION ZONE” located on the premises of the plant. They have been installed in places delimiting the area where you need to take care of your safety, through the use of head and eye protection, protective clothing and footwear, and a gas mask.
Trained employees of external companies in 2021
Trained new workers and employees
Chemical Rescuers
Company Rescue Service
Emission, fire or explosion occurring during an industrial process, storage or transport involving hazardous substances leads to an immediate danger to life or health. In such cases, every second counts. For this reason, with a view to safety at the plant, a professional fire protection unit operates within PCC Rokita SA - the Plant Rescue Service. It is a professional and specialized fire protection unit, with modern and well-equipped fire-fighting vehicles and technical equipment. In addition, there is a medical point in the facility, where outpatient care is provided 24 hours a day.
Plant dispatchers
Many people take care of continuous safety at the PCC Rokita SA plant. 24-hour care is provided by the Plant's Dispatcher, who supervises the ongoing production activity in the company and coordinates the rescue operation in the event of a failure, and in necessary cases, an alarm announcement and the launch of the evacuation procedure.Contact number for the Plant's Dispatcher: 71 794 2555
Out of concern for the safety of people, property and the environment, and implementing the initiative of the Polish Chemical Safety Group, operating at the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry, PCC Rokita SA actively participates in the System of Assistance in Transport of Dangerous Materials (SPOT), established within this organization. It is an information and technical assistance system in the event of a failure / accident during the transport of hazardous materials, by supporting the operational activities of the State Fire Service and other emergency services in the country.